
Noise and Sound Insulation

It’s often only when you leave a big city that you realise how noisy it is. The problem is that not only do most of us live in big cities in Australia but they’re also often the most low impact places to live. Being able to live close to where you work and play reduces driving and allows for more use of walking, cycling and public transport. With smart application of sound insulation you can also make your home a quiet sanctuary in the middle of a noisy city.

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Insulating Paints and Additives

A range of insulating paints and additives are on the market providing an additional opportunity to insulate your home. Insulating paints can be applied to ceilings and walls where insulation is required. Insulating paints are also available for external applications to roofs to reduce heat entering the home during summer.

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Floor Insulation

Your floor is typically responsible for 10-20% of heat loss in your home.

Options for insulating it include:

Insulation heat loss and gain

Insulation Overview

When insulating your home, the entire building envelope must be considered, insulating a single area such as the roof will not offer a complete solution. Reducing heat loss in winter and heat gain in summer is very much about doing something on all fronts.

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