Insulation heat loss and gain

Insulation Overview

When insulating your home, the entire building envelope must be considered, insulating a single area such as the roof will not offer a complete solution. Reducing heat loss in winter and heat gain in summer is very much about doing something on all fronts.

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Hot water heating

Solar Hot Water Systems

Provided that a suitable area of close to North facing roof is available that receives good levels of sun without extensive shading solar hot water heaters represent on of the most efficient methods of heating water.

Historically flat plate collectors have been used but they’re more recently being replaced by evacuated tubes as the standard solar thermal collector.

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Grey Water re-use

My journey with grey water began at time when I was doing a bit spear fishing around Sydney. We were mostly diving justĀ outside the heads of Sydney Harbour, every so often though we’d head further afield up or down the coast. When we did the change in water visibility was immense.

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