
Natural Swimming Pools & Ponds

Natural swimming pools use various methods of water filtration that do not involve adding or manufacturing any chemicals to maintain the clear safe water to swim in. They re-create an environment akin to that of a clear river, water hole or creek that you can safely swim in.

Most of the systems have european origins. A listing follows of the systems which have previously been or are currently being installed in Australia. In my research and discussions with designers and installers I understand that only the Hyrdobalance system has a solid track record in Australia.

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Sun Path and Shading

The apps listed below let you track the path of the sun on any day of the year from any location. This allows you to understand how much sun will hit your building and assess the effects of shading from neighbouring buildings or trees.

  • Sun Seeker – Augmented reality 3D sun path app for iPhone / iPad
  • Sun Surveyor – Augmented reality 3D sun path app for Apple and Android
  • SunCalc – Google Maps sun path overlay

Cloth & Sustainable Nappies

Disposable nappies use a significant volume of materials and create and equally large burden on landfill sites. There is a significant new range of both sustainable disposable nappies and re-usable cloth nappies available today that didn’t exist for previous generations.

A guide to the major brands and manufacturers for products available in Australia follows.

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Noise and Sound Insulation

It’s often only when you leave a big city that you realise how noisy it is. The problem is that not only do most of us live in big cities in Australia but they’re also often the most low impact places to live. Being able to live close to where you work and play reduces driving and allows for more use of walking, cycling and public transport. With smart application of sound insulation you can also make your home a quiet sanctuary in the middle of a noisy city.

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