
ASX Listed Companies that do good (Ethical, Cleantech, Renewables…)


The Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) and the Impact Management Project (IMP) have created guides for measuring, monitoring and managing the impact companies and organisations and investments in them make. Their guides and frameworks which are adopted by ethical investment funds, institutional investors and philanthropic entities, provide a very mature and comprehensive lens through which to consider how companies contribute positively to the world.

The published list of ASX companies (attempts) to apply the GIIN & IMP taxonomies and categories to help you quickly find those that are doing good.

Entries can also be filtered by market capitalisation, industry sector, key business activity keywords to help you focus on your individual areas of interest.

This listing is best viewed in full screen here.

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Specialized Turbo Electric Bike

Having become hooked on an electric bike for transport via a Golden Motor Magic Pie 3 conversion kit some time back I recently upgraded to the Specialized Turbo.

There are already some great comprehensive reviews of this bike online so I won’t attempt to cover all these points. I’d like to focus rather on the difference between this bike and other electric bikes. In all cases I’m comparing the bike primarily to my converted e-bike above. I’ve also test ridden the Whisper, Evolution and A2B Metro bikes to which many of these comparisons also hold.

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Insulating Paints and Additives

A range of insulating paints and additives are on the market providing an additional opportunity to insulate your home. Insulating paints can be applied to ceilings and walls where insulation is required. Insulating paints are also available for external applications to roofs to reduce heat entering the home during summer.

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Floor Insulation

Your floor is typically responsible for 10-20% of heat loss in your home.

Options for insulating it include:

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